Playrgound Bark
Playrgound Bark is usually specified as 5-35mm or 35-65mm well graded loose impact absorbing surface (LIAS).
Playground Bark is ideal for: All play equipment, including climbing frames, slides, swings and space nets. It has a long service life, typically between 4 and 6 years and is suitable for children of all ages.
An attractive, high-grade appearance It complies with the requirements set out in BS EN 1176 and is approved by ROSPA.
Easy to install and maintain Free draining material which allows use of play area to continue even in poor weather.
the Loose texture of the product deters cats and dogs, reducing the chance of animal fouling
Our Suppliers Independently test the surface in accordance with the requirements of BS EN 1176 at depths of 300mm, 200mm & 100mm giving critical fall heights of 3.00m.
Playground Bark 5-35mm & 35-65mm is available in loose bulk loads and bulk bags.
A 80 cubic metre load will cover a play area of 400 square metres to a settled depth of 200mm. : 42 x 70 litre bags will cover an area of 14.7 square metres to a settled depth of 200mm.
Other Loosefill Surfaces include: Sand and Pea Gravel